When a Trainee saves an entry, a green lozenge will appear automatically in the relevant Clinical Experience Groups chart right away because these are simply highlighting the topic within the Curriculum that the entry refers to.
However, Capabilities work differently because they are slightly more integral to a Trainee's Portfolio of evidence within the ESR.
A grey lozenge will only appear in the Capabilities chart once an entry has been saved by the trainee, sent to their Supervisor AND reviewed by the Supervisor.
As part of the ESR preparation the trainee will have to self rate each of the Capabilities, whilst including 3 or more of their best and most relevant entries to showcase as evidence for it.
Once the trainee has completed a self rating on a Capability, whichever of the entries they choose to log as their included evidence, will have their lozenge turn from grey to green.
The Trainee may have logged a total of 10 entries for one Capability (denoted with by a grey lozenge) but if they are only including 4 of these as evidence in their ESR only 4 become green.
You can see which Capabilities have completed self ratings by clicking on Prepare in the ESR preparation section of the Portfolio:
Below is an example of what you would expect to see on a Capability that has been self rated and evidenced by Trainee and Trainer:
If just the Trainee has completed the self rating and awaiting the Supervisor to complete it you will just see the rating and comments as circled above.
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