As part of the ESR sign off, the Educational Supervisor will need to complete the 4 sections as below:
When you go into any 4 of these forms, you will see two options at the end of each section - Save as Draft and Save:
Saving a draft of the Form
Please be aware that the Save as Draft option is not working at the moment (as of 30/01/2025) and our dev team are looking to fix this.
Saving the Form
When you click on ‘Save’, please be aware that this will completely lock down the section meaning you will no longer be able to make amendments.
If you have clicked ‘Save’ on any section that is incomplete, you will still be able to sign off the ESR but to include the missing information, there are two options:
1. You can leave the section incomplete and create an Educator’s Note detailing the missing information. (The ARCP will have visibility of the Educator’s Notes)
2. You can raise a Ticket with us in Support and we can delete the incomplete sections, which will bring them back on the task list. You'll then be able to fill them in once more however, we will be unable to retrieve the section as you saved it so it will be blank
Our dev team are reviewing this to make it clearer and we apologise for any inconvenience.
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