We apologise for any inconvenience that our routine security maintenance work may cause to any of our users, but we hope you will understand the need to complete this work. While we are unable to offer the transfer of your appraisal details to your personal account, please see below a guide to get you going on FourteenFish with your last appraisal information from any other provider...
You will first need to download your last appraisal, either completed or 'in progress', and any older completed appraisals you want to store on FourteenFish from your previous provider's account. Save these to a personal device, as we have no facility to automatically transfer data from other providers.
You then need to open a new Medical Appraisal Template toolkit (for clinical doctors) under the Portfolio tab on your account...
If you have a completed last appraisal follow steps 1, 2 and 4.
If you have an in progress appraisal follow steps 1, 2, 3 and 4.
If you have a completed appraisal:
1. Open the most recent appraisal document. Copy and paste the information for the Scope of Work into this section of the FourteenFish toolkit below. Click on Manage Roles...
then Add a New Role til all the current Roles are added...
2. Next move down the page to add the Agreed PDP in PDP Review. Here click into Review your PDP...
and then select Add a PDP entry to review...
This will get you set up with the mandatory information from your last appraisal. Additional information you may want to add at this stage is the Personal Details, and any CPD if your appraisal is in progress.
If you have an In Progress appraisal:
Adding CPD etc. from your downloaded document.
3. To avoid having to copy in every CPD (or QIA, PUNS & DENs etc) entry into a FourteenFish template, we recommend that you select the pages with CPD from your in progress appraisal and save these as one document, this can then be attached as one CPD (or other relevant type) entry on your toolkit, with the appropriate CPD hours total and the file attached to the entry. Your appraiser will be able to review this as evidence. Our help page on adding Support Information to your appraisal is here.
To finish and save all your past appraisals...
4. You can save the downloaded documents of older appraisals and the one you have just copied information from, to the Past Appraisals page of your Appraisal Toolkit under Portfolio. When the meeting dates for the past appraisals are added, you will see them appear in your Revalidation Preparation page. Further information can be found on this help article.
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