Alternatively you could watch our video on how to Create a new Community.
Communities are online groups (public or private) that anyone can form on our website for discussing things, storing important documents etc. Think of them like a mix between an intranet and a social network like Facebook. Anyone can set up a community, or you can see what ones are already available. You could set up a private one for your practice, or create a special interest group that anyone else can join.
You can do this by clicking the Communities button on your FourteenFish dashboard.
Then selecting Create a Community.
You can then name your community and can add a description if needed.
You need to invite the members to the community - this is done by clicking on the community, and clicking on the manage members button on the right of the screen.
Please click Invites and then, Invite new member you can then add your GPs' names and emails, and they will either be added to the community if they are current FourteenFish users, or prompted to create an account if not.
Communities are also used for things like enabling practice managers to buy appraisal subscriptions for all their GPs by making all the doctors a member of their practice community.
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