FourteenFish provide a percentage showing your score, and also benchmarking score based which is calculated from all the responses we have collected from people with the same profession as you.
Our benchmarking figures are typically taken from over 150,000 responses.
The percentage values are calculated from the scores given by your patients or colleagues.
To show how the final percentage score is calculated, let's take the question: "How much did the doctor involve you in decisions during the consultation?". This has five possible answers as well as a "Not applicable" option which is not factored into the calculation. Each answer is assigned a percentage score, in equal steps ranging from 0% to 100%.
- Not at all = 0%
- Not much = 25%
- Moderately = 50%
- Very = 75%
- Completely = 100%
Note that although 100 ÷ 5 = 20, the percentage for the first response is 0% and not 20%.
Your score for each question is simply a mean average of all your responses. To get a score of 100% would mean all the responses were the last response (i.e. Completely).
"Not applicable" or unanswered questions are not included in the score, and are not included in the denominator when working out the mean average.
Unscored questions
Some questions are not scored or benchmarked, for example "Gender Spread".
Even though we have used the word "score" these numbers are of course extremely subjective and open to several confounding factors and are produced purely as a guide for benchmarking.
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