Adding an Extension
Please create a Stage of Training for the trainee, select what ST year they are in (normally the SoT preceding the extension) then click 'this is an extension'. This will then create a stage in the same training year (so the requirements will guide them towards that years assessments) but in Fishbase, that Stage will be an Orange line instead of a black line.
Supported Return to Training/Phased Return
We would recommend that you choose the Stage of Training as 'Supported Return to Training'. The easiest way to identify the percentage they worked would be average out the percentages over the period. You can use the free text area to specifically say what the phases look like (if you create a phase for each week, it will look very complicated hence the strategy above). It is important to make it clear at the top of the free text box whether this Stage will count towards training and if so, how much, so that the ARCP can see this.
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