Uploading Form R




  • Afreen Shaik

    How can I upload the form R when my supervisor has already signed off the ESR and it is locked for the current review period

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  • Dr Duncan Walling

    Hi there - as long as you have a new review period you can then add the Form R in the same way and the ARCP panel will be able to see it. If you click through to the training map you should see a link to start a new review period yourself if you haven't got a current one. (and if this was your final ESR you can then just create a mop up review period that doesn't need an ESR to facilitate you doing this. https://support.fourteenfish.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360011395117-Review-Periods-what-are-these-who-creates-them-and-which-dates- has more information on review periods if helpful.

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  • Afreen Shaik

    thank you for prompt reply


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  • Dr Walaa Saeed

    Hi there

    Do I need to upload Form R before each ESR, or just once yearly before the ARCP? if yes, where do I get it from?

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  • Dr Duncan Walling

    Hi Walaa - really that is a question for your Deanery / Training programme I'm afraid (I think it may vary depending on each area also) and they should also have the link for you to download the form.

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  • Dr Heather Burghel

    I have done exactly what is written above but my 'Form R/COVID Declaration' is blue in color rather than green, but on the front page of the portfolio compliance passport it does appear green.  I can only think that this is correct as I have followed the above

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Heather, Please accept our apologies, the screenshot included in this help article was out of date. When updated the Form R should be highlighted blue as yours is. I have updated the screenshot above to reflect this, thank you for bringing this to our attention. 

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  • Dr Taskin Dilshad

    Do I need to add an expiry date to form R ? Thanks

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  • Dr Taskin Dilshad

    I uploaded the Form R following the steps as advised here but it still is in blue and it does not appear on portfolio front page in green at all. ARCP panel are still unable to see it. 

    The old Form R from April is on the portfolio overview page in green  (not the current one from this month I have uploaded today).

    Please help !

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  • Chris Paul

    Hi Taksin, I'm sorry to hear you've had difficulties with this; a member of our support team will be in contact with you today to help out.

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