What is Reflection?
Reflection is a set of processes to identify what you need to change in order to be a better doctor. This primarily focuses on a learning framework to factually look at learning points and how you might change your practice.
How should you go about writing Reflection?
- The very first stage of documenting your reflection is writing down the facts that were transmitted during the CPD.
- The next stage would be what have you learned from attending that meeting.
- The third stage is all about what you are going to do differently as a result of this learning.
- A fourth stage would be your action plan on what you need to do differently in the future.
- A final stage is how would you measure whether you’ve carried out your planned stages.
For more detail on Reflection please take a look at our blogs written by Dr John Bibby and Dr Duncan Walling or watch our video on What is Reflection?
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