The Portfolio overview page, the first page you see when you click on Portfolio (or access the Trainee portfolio via the Supervisor's Area), has been updated to facilitate the new functionality on the Training Map that trainees and supervisors, in England, need to manage from August 2024. Most of the page remains the same, so if your Deanery still manages your portfolio (all Deaneries excluding LONDON), there are just a few changes the top right portfolio details area and the links have been removed:
There are no longer links to the invite supervisor pages in pink, as this has moved to the Training Map, and your Deanery contact details are no longer listed.
Training Map
The Training Map page has been updated to include the actions that LONDON Deanery trainees need to complete to manage their own training portfolio.
NB: Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Defence trainees should ONLY use this page to add Supervisors.
There is now a Demographics section at the top of the Training Map displaying your details and Supervisors linked to the current Review period. Your personal information will come directly from your MyRCGP record (on the RCGP website), so if any amendments are needed, you should make these on the RCGP website.
Below this is your training stages map, that details Posts, Stages of Training, Review periods as well as Exams, CSRs and ARCPs. You now have the option to add a review period, stage of training and post as illustrated on the screenshot below.
For LONDON Deanery Trainees and Supervisors:
For further advice on what new features there are for you to manage your Training Map details and review periods, please see the help articles in this section:
How to add/edit a Stage of Training
How to add/edit your Supervisors
How to add/edit a Review Period
How to add/edit a Post
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