A Review Period is essentially a set date range in training that learning logs and assessments are attached to within the trainee's Portfolio.
Learning in a Review Period is collated/reviewed as it is added and an Educational Supervisor's Review (ESR) is held with the Educational Supervisor to discuss the trainee's progress, and set goals for the next Review Period.
How long is a Review Period?
Typically a Review Period will typically be the same duration as a Post but it depends on the trainee's individual circumstances.
The start date of a Review Period will either be the date the trainee's training year starts or the first day after the trainee's last ESR meeting.
The end date will be the date of the trainee's ESR meeting with their Educational Supervisor when the ESR report is signed off.
Review Periods & Stages of Training
All Review Periods must be linked to a Stage of Training, though in one Stage of Training multiple Review Periods may exist.
Each Review Period will be titled with the Stage of Training and a 'Review Number' (for example the first Review Period in the trainee's first Stage of Training will be listed as ST1-1)
Review Periods must follow sequentially on the trainee's map ad two cannot exist at the same time or overlap in date.
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