How many MSFs do I need to complete during training?
You will need to complete one MSF in ST1, one in ST2 and one in ST3. During ST3, you will also be required to complete a leadership MSF.
How many colleagues do I need to get to complete the survey?
10 respondents are needed for each MSF. This should normally be 5 clinicians and 5 non-clinicians. They should be colleagues that have recent experience of working with you.
It is recognised that to find 5 non-clinicians in a non-primary care post might be difficult and in this situation it would be acceptable to ask more clinicians. 10 replies are the minimum number and the assessment will not count without this number.
For each MSF, we would recommend asking more than 10 people to ensure you do reach the minimum number.
When do I need to complete the survey by?
Your survey must be completed in your current training post and not any other place in which you may do additional work.
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