Are our Colleague surveys suitable for Revalidation?
In short - yes!
We would like to reassure you that our Colleague surveys are GMC approved and have been created in association with Wessex LMC.
They are anonymised and peer bench marked to follow GMC guidelines so they certainly are suitable for Revalidation.
So how do they work?
Our Colleague Surveys are carried out online where you can populate your invitee list, which sends out a personalised survey link that, once completed, will be anonymised.
The system is set up so that surveys can only be made close-able, by you, once you reach the GMC minimum requirement of 15.
See our help page here if you are unable to reach this number.
If you have agreed to having your survey checked by your LMC, there will be a small delay in you receiving your summary, but you will receive an automated message letting you know when it's ready. it any good?
Over 12,000 colleague surveys have been done on FourteenFish using the Clinical doctor questionnaire. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. It is felt to be relevant, simple to complete and is giving the same learning messages as previous, more complicated surveys.
What are the requirements?
When you create your Survey we would recommend that you invite at least 18 colleagues with good range of professionals, with 50% Non-clinical.
You will need 15 responses to satisfy requirements of most areas of NHS England and Designated Bodies. If you are not sure of the expectations for your Designated Body or if you have trouble collecting 15 responses. We recommend you check with your Appraiser or your local Appraisal Service and get back to us. In certain circumstances we can close the survey with less responses with the approval of these authorities.
After 15 responses have been received the system waits 7 days then emails you to let you know that your colleague survey is now closeable.
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