Your results are released by the RCGP. You can find the dates for the 2020 RCA exams on this page on the RCGP website.
Once they have been released, you will see a new box appear on your FourteenFish dashboard...
Just click the link in the box to view your results.
If you are using the new FourteenFish trainee portfolio, you will also be able to see your results in there alongside any results for the AKT and CSA exams.
Find out how to interpret your results.
Is this the same for AKT?
AKT results will appear in your FourteenFish Portfolio provided you are in one of the deaneries that has been migrated to FourteenFish. Most have now except for:
If you're in one of the four deaneries above you'll need to look in the old RCGP ePortfolio.
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