How to upload recordings made outside of FourteenFish




  • Dr Eamon Al-Hadithi

    Any update on when we will be able to upload videos from external sources? I have quite a few videos made through iris connect that will need to be transferred over here and the more this feature is getting delayed the more anxious it is making me! Thanks

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  • Dr Simon Smith

    Phil do you have an update please? The advice re. consent is all over the place currently and causing a lot of us anxiety with respect to consultations already concluded. Thanks

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  • Dr Thomas Kelly

    Hi I am a trainee in Gloucestershire and we have been sent an email from our deanery at 16:50 today advising that we only use 14 fish from now to record consultations. The email stated there were some potential data security issues with uploading from other platforms and they were working on this.


    I have been recording consultations with consent as advised by the college and 14 fish and reviewing these with my trainer. 


    I am very worried that 14 fish will now potentially on the opening day of the submission period change their platform so we are not able to upload our consultations that we have been recording.


    This situation is stressful enough without guidance changing the night before the opening date.


    Can you please give clarification and reassurance that we will be able to upload our recorded consultations to 14fish from other platforms?

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  • Dr Sonakshi Khorana

    Hi, just wanted to check when the upload feature will become available.
    From reading above it looks like a wide range of formats will be accepted (I.e from Apple/android/mp3 etc), is that correct as I have a fair few recordings. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

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  • Dr Sheraz Yasin

    In regards to consent could you confirm as above regarding demographics and introduction is that included in the consent time or not?  As different webinars are saying different things. As for non fourteen fish recordings, it would be difficult to not confirm consent without asking if your talking to the right patient first.  Also in terms of verbal consent for non fourteen fish recordings what would be adequate verbal consent, if the patient is aware the consultation is being recorded as reception informed them at booking, and you acknowledge at the start is that enough? With a follow up accurx message with a consent form where they reply back yes if they are still happy for the recording to be used, as you can take a screen shot of the accurx message. 

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  • Dr Ali Bakir

    Thank you Phil that's very helpful.

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  • Dr heidi carroll

    please can you supply an appropriate consent form for us to use - we've adapted the usual one to include an addendum that this video may be used for assesment as part of the MRCGP RCA but it would seem sensible to provide one standardised form for all to use to cover this? 


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  • Dr Thomas Kelly

    We would really appreciate an update regarding consent and uploading remote consultations. 

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Ali. This policy has come from the college, but I will double check this with them tomorrow and mention the webinar you attended. Can you remember the date of the webinar?

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  • Dr Sujatha Krishnaraj

    That is after consent-then identification,before moving to consultation

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  • Dr Sujatha Krishnaraj

    What is the guidance for patient identification process that is acceptable?is there a GDPR restriction?

    Is it acceptable to confirm before consultation about Patient’s full name,date of birth ,first line of address?

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Thomas – Please could you forward that email to ? We may need to update our guidance.

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Suleman, yes sorry this applies to all consultations regardless of where they were done. The examiner will basically start a 10 minute timer at the start of the consultation's "clinical content".

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  • Dr Suleman Sami

    Thanks Phil, checking patient details is not included in the ten minites, is that only for consultations recorded outside of14fish or for all types of recordings?


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  • Permanently deleted user

    I've also had confirmation that checking the patient details is not included in the ten minutes allowed for the consultation. We will update our guidance shortly.  

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  • Dr Sonakshi Khorana

    Hi Phil,

    Thanks for all the info. Could I please just confirm -
    If we are getting verbal consent for recordings made outside of fourteen fish before the 5th, is this appropriate?
    Consent - “is it okay with you if our consultation is recorded for exam and training purposes today? If you do change your mind at the end please let me know”
    I just want to make sure this is appropriate as the RCA handbook does not really give an example of verbal consent and what it should contain. Thank you. Look forward to hearing from you.

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  • Dr Thomas Kelly

    Hi Phil


    I have been seeking advice from the RCGP and had an email from them stating that checking the patient details would not be included in the ten minutes of assessment. 


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  • Permanently deleted user

    Raghad Orton – It would be good to check they are still happy to have had it recorded, but you do not need to submit evidence of the second consent.

    In answer to your second question, you would still need to submit evidence that the patient actively consented to having the consultation recorded. Unfortunately evidence that all calls are recorded wouldn't be good enough, it needs to be a text message, paper form or embedded in the recording itself.

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  • Dr Raghad Orton

    Hi, for Face to Face consultations, if a patient signs the consent form only before the consultation started but forgot the sign after, do we need to ask the patient by text message to confirm their consent?

    Also, if my practice records all calls for training and I didn't ask one of my patients for consent at the start of the telephone call again, do i need to show further proof of patient's consent like text message?

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Simon Smith – You don't need to submit evidence of the patient confirming their consent after the consultation, it's just the initial consent that is required for the RCA.

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Sonakshi Khorana – The time taken for things like the patient connecting to the video call will be taken into account my the assessor, and the same goes for any time spent getting consent for recording from the patient. However, verifying the identity of the patient is part of "normal life" when performing a remote consultation so this would be included in the 10 minutes and you won't get an extra allowance for the time taken to check their identity. I should say that ultimately the RCGP are setting the rules here so it is best to check the RCGP website or contact their Exams team to be sure.

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  • Permanently deleted user

    John Vernon – You should keep the identity check in the consultation. The examiner will take into account the time it takes to ask for recording consent if this is part of the recording.

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Raghad – Consent evidence that is uploaded to our system has the same level of security as the consultation recording itself, so this would be covered by our data protection documentation at in the section "How will the recordings be stored?". We will update this documentation soon to make it clear that this also covers any attachments.

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  • Dr Raghad Orton

    Hi, I want to check about uploading accurx messages used to consent patients as they include the patient's name, NHS number and DOB. Is it acceptable to upload a screen shot of this or would it breach confidentiality?


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  • Dr Simon Smith

    Hi Phil - Thanks for the update and appreciate your help. Could you possible enable us to mark the uploaded recordings as being verbally consented plus being able to upload evidence of consent? I have a few that I have consented verbally at the start and then confirmed via text messaging after the event. Thanks

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  • Dr Sonakshi Khorana


    Just wanted to check does checking identity, DOB and confirming consent count in the total 10 mins? Checking identity and consent is taking up valuable 30 seconds. Thanks

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Gwion Rhys Williams – There shouldn't be any issues with uploading videos now. The problem started on Thursday and was fixed on Friday at about 11:15am. Looking at the time of your comment it might be that the issue was there when you were trying to upload your files. If you are still having issues, please could you let me know what web browser you're on (Internet Explorer, Chrome etc) as well as whether you are on a work or home network?

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Eamon. This is a tricky one. I would imagine it would be fine, but you should contact the RCGP Exams team to be sure as they have the final say on this sort of thing. Here are their details... / 020 3188 7660

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  • Dr Eamon Al-Hadithi

    Hi there just hoping for a bit of advice whether a case is suitable. I spoke to the mother of a 16 year old teenager with a new complaint of a Rash, the patient has autism and it has been agreed previously that his mother can talk on his behalf and in the notes. It doesn’t specifically mention this is the recording and I just proceed to take the history from the mother. Would this be OK if I included this info in the workbook on fourteen fish?

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Ash – Thank you. I've raised a support ticket for you so we can reply in more detail.  We can't watch or listen to your recordings as they are with real patients, but if we can't get to the bottom of your problem via the support ticket we may ask you to record a test video and share it with us.

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