How can I do this if I don't have a good phone signal for receiving SMS messages?




  • Dr Oluwaseun Oladipupo Oladimeji

    Hi , I am not able to record telephone consultation because the patient could not hear me properly due to poor signal I guess. 4g signal is poor at my workplace so also is the WiFi. Can I make the call from the practice’s landline? If yes , how do I register the landline since I have already registered my mobile number.

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi there – The mobile number you have registered is used to receive SMS message on for the two-factor authentication process and also for setting up video calls.

    For phone calls you are free to use any phone to dial in to the call with the patient. If you just start a recorded phone call with a patient you will be given a number to dial, and you can do this on any phone (land line or mobile).

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