Appraisee invites/selects Appraiser from their Portfolio page:
For the appraisal connection between an Appraisee & Appraiser to be made, the Appraisee will need to either select the Appraiser from a dropdown list (certain Designated Bodies only!) or invite them by entering their email address.
Appraiser accepts the invitation/becomes linked:
If your Organisation is set up so that you see a dropdown list of Appraisers, once an Appraiser has been selected from the dropdown, the link will be established.
However if an email invite is sent to the Appraiser using their email address the Appraiser will need to accept the Appraisee's invitation by clicking on the link sent to them in the automated email from us.
At this point the Appraiser will see the Appraisee in their Appraiser's Area under 'Appraisals awaiting appraisee sign off'.
Appraisee sends their Appraisal to the Appraiser
When the Appraisee has linked to their Appraiser and completed all the information required within the Appraisal Portfolio page they will be able to hit the 'Send to Appraiser' button and once this happens the Appraisee will see one of two messages in their Portfolio screen.
If the appraisal meeting date has not yet happened the message will show as 'Awaiting appraisal' however if the appraisal meeting date has passed the message will show as 'Awaiting appraiser sign off'.
Please be aware at this point the Appraisee can make changes to the Appraisal - see our help article on this here.
Appraiser Signs off the Appraisal
Once the appraiser signs off their write-up of the appraisal meeting, an automatic email is sent to the appraisee informing them that the appraiser has signed off the appraisal.
Please be aware at this point the Appraiser can make changes to the Appraisal but they will need to ask the Appraisee to re-open the appraisal for them - see our help article on this here.
Appraisee Reviews the Appraisal then makes their Final Sign Off
The appraisee will need to log in to FourteenFish and they will see that the message showing in their Portfolio will read 'Appraiser signed off'.
The appraisee can check the summary and Appraiser comments and once they are happy they will need to hit the 'Sign off your appraisal' option.
After Appraisee Final Sign off
Once the appraisee has signed off their appraisal, the appraisal will be marked as completed and locked down. The appraiser will receive an email notification about this.
The appraiser, appraiser and responsible officer will continue to have access to the locked down summary and files on FourteenFish.
Depending on the designated body set for the appraisal, the appraisal summary will then either be transferred automatically to the appraisal service or the appraiser can send them a summary manually. The appraiser will be informed as to which is the case at the time.
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