The RMS* is the national system for GP for appraisals and can only accept Appraisal summary files of a certain size. Because of this we have limited Appraisal summaries to a maximum size of 9MB.
You can store as many files as you like on your FourteenFish and you can reference these if required during the appraisal meeting. You can use the manage attachments page, accessed from Appraisal tools, to choose which files to include or exclude from your appraisal summary. Your appraiser will still be able to see excluded files and they will remain on the system for your reference.
There is a 20 MB limit to a single file upload.
* If the RMS does not apply to you (for example you are not a GP or you work outside of England) then please get in touch with us and we may be able to change this. Many organisations that don't use the RMS still request that we use the limit to keep appraisal summary files a reasonable size.
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