RCGP Trainees under LONDON Deanery need to create their own Review periods. This help article contains the instructions to add a new Review period. Please ensure that the details are entered correctly, and the dates and supervisors are accurate.
Educational Supervisors can also add/edit Review periods on the trainee's Training Map.
You will first need to navigate to the Training Map from the Portfolio overview page:
NB: Before continuing, please ensure that you have added the new Stage of Training, if you are moving to a new ST year. For instance, if you are moving from ST1-2 to ST2-1, you need to add ST2 before you can add the first review period for ST2. See the help article here for details on adding a Stage of Training. Then...
On the Training Map page, below the graphic of your training to date, you will see the button to Add a review period:
NB: Before adding a new review period, please check the previous review period number, and add this one in the correct sequence, eg. if your last review period was ST2-1, the new review period must be ST2-2. This is important to get right, so that your Educational Supervisor Reports (ESRs) for ARCP are recorded accurately.
Complete the details on the next page, taking care to add the right Educational and Clinical supervisors (as they appear on TIS), date range and previous review period. The latter is important as this tells the database where to pull information regarding agreed PDPs and Action Plans from so they can be reviewed:
NB: Educational and Clinical Supervisor lists are added by the Deanery to Training Programmes. If your Supervisor is not appearing on a drop down please check that your Training Programme on the Demographics section is accurate. Should the Supervisor still not appear, please contact your Deanery to check your nominated Supervisor is accurate/up to date on the database.
When you hit Save, you will be taken to the Portfolio Overview page again to work on the current review period. You may not be taken directly to the new review period overview page. To navigate to the new review period and set this as your current review period, you need to go back to the Training Map page and click on the new review period lozenge, in the section that appears below click View in the bottom right corner, and you will be taken to the Portfolio overview page for that review period.
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