For several reasons, we have decided to split stages of training and posts. This will allow to analyse and calculate more information about each trainee and their posts.
Stages of Training
Stages of training are each trainees ST1/2/3 year and also any statutory leave. Some trainees will be working LTFT and this would be indicated in their Stages of Training. Some trainees have several different percentages of LTFT for a particular ST year so these are split up into separate stages of training. The trainees ‘requirements for this review’ (how many logs and assessments which they will see on their portfolio) is based on the percentage that they are working in ‘Stages of Training’ so it is important that this reflects their LTFT percentage.
Any breaks in a trainees training should be recorded as a ‘Stage of Training’. To add a new Stage of Training, go to the Trainee Page and click ‘add a new stage of training’. You will then be asked to enter the dates of this stage, the grade and whether it is FT or LTFT. You can also mark if this this stage of training is an extension. If the trainee is working LTFT, you will need to calculate the date for the end of that stage of training.
Posts are the ‘jobs’ that the trainee does. These are independent of the Stages of Training as often the jobs are out of sync with the stages with LTFT trainees or those who have had statutory leave. To add new Posts, click on ‘New Post’. You will then need to select if this is an integrated training post (more below). You will then need to add the dates for the post, the GMC recognised ‘Speciality’ and the Organisation, which is where that job is. If that organisation doesn’t exist, then it will first need to be added under Organisations in the main menu. There is also an area labelled ‘Description’ which you can use for more info if it would be helpful – this will be on the ARCP form. You can also assign ES/CS when adding the post (see the next section for more information).
If you’re adding an ITP post, you will need to add both posts at the same time. This will create two posts with the same dates and you will be also asked to enter post split percentage. For example, you have a trainee working 60% in GP and 40% in secondary care during an ICP, you would add both posts as such. This allows the system to calculate that the trainee has done enough time in secondary and primary care.
Assigning an Educational or Clinical Supervisor
You can assign the ES/CS when adding a new post or when editing an existing post. You also need to make sure that the ES/CS has that ‘job’ assigned to their account for that organisation.
When adding a new post, link the supervisor to it by selecting their name in the ‘Educational Supervisor’ or ‘Clinical Supervisor’ fields. If you wish to add additional supervisors, you can do so after the post have been created.
To add supervisors to the existing post: click the post on the training map and click ‘More details’. You will see a section called ‘Supervisors’. Click on the dropdown menu to add the supervisor (their role and linked organisation will be in brackets after their name). If you cannot find their name or the role is not that for which they are to have, then you will need to go back into the supervisors account and make sure they have the correct job assigned for that organisation.
Finally, you need to make sure that the supervisor is linked to the current review period. Select the open review period on the training map and click ‘More details’ to open it. Go to the ‘Permission to access’ section and add the supervisors to link them to the review period. Please note that the trainees can also confirm their supervisors through the portfolio (based on the information entered in their posts).
Review Periods
A review period relates to the time between the ESRs. It's important that the supervisors are given access to a review period, as this allows the trainee to share their entries and surveys with the supervisor, and the supervisor to access the review period and entries within it. You can read more about the review periods in the following help article:
Review Periods - what are these, who creates them and which dates?
To link the supervisor to a review period, select an open review period on the training map and click ‘More details’ to open it. Go to the ‘Permission to access’ section and add the supervisors to link them to the review period. You can specify whether the supervisor is an educational supervisor or a clinical supervisor. Please note that the trainees can confirm their supervisors through the portfolio (based on the information entered in their posts).
Marking the review period as current
The current review period is what the trainee sees when opening their portfolio. It's important that an open review period is marked as current - this will ensure that any log entries are automatically created in that review period. You can see which review period is current by checking the trainee's training map. It's worth noting that the trainee can switch the review periods themselves through their training map. As an administrator, you also have an option to mark a review period as "current" - this is useful if the previous ESR was signed off and you have created a new review period for the trainee. To do this, open the review period by selecting it on the training map and clicking "more details". You will then have the option to "make this their current review period".
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